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[攀岩秘籍] 4X4抱石训练 The North Face_Mountain Athletics

发表于 2015-5-12 00:48:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


“抱石野兽”TNF赞助运动员Daniel Woods向大家介绍了如何进行4X4抱石训练——能够帮助攀岩者高效的在岩馆中提高攀爬水平。

Bouldering 4X4:热身10分钟;挑4条自己可以onsignt的线路(比你的能力低2~3级的),4条线连爬(不许休息顶多擦擦粉),这算做完成1个set;每set之间休息1分钟然后继续下一个,完成4个set算1个group;每group之间休息5分钟然后继续;看1小时内你能做几个group。(上述翻译来自两金条老师的微博)

Team climber Daniel Woods shows how to do Bouldering 4x4's:
Pick 24 boulder problems that exists onsite. After the 5-minute warm up, set a countdown timer for 50 minutes, and then climb the four problems, in succession, without rest; this is 1 set. After you finish the four problems, take a 1-minute rest. Repeat 3 more times, taking 1-minute rests between sets.

After your 4th set, you've completed a "group" - or 16x boulder problems. Rest 5 minutes, then try to get in 3 more groups.

Each group of 4X4's is 16x boulder problems. So if you complete 4x groups you'll do 54x problems total. You can change boulder problems between groups. As you work into the session, your forearms are going to get pumped. This is very intense. Don't be afraid to chose easier problems as you proceed through the session.

Stop at 50 minutes and record how many groups you get through. At the end of the training plan, strive to get 3.5 to 4 groups in the time limit.

Set your goal, get your workouts, and shop the collection at www.thenorthface.com/mountainathletics.
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